samedi 7 septembre 2013

The start of the school year. (La rentrée)

Near to the Ile Saint Louis (Paris)

Hello everybody! How are you? I hope that your comebacks went well, that you met again with your friends or you discovered other persons. For me, I have just came into a new highschool, rather cool. I'm going to like being there in the future.
To come to the fact, it is true that the day we go back to school, we notice it often, it's the day when we are the best dressed in the year for the greater part. It is the beginning of something new, it is significant. What I like making in this day, (well I admit making it all the time, yes!) it's to look what the other persons wear. There are all the styles, from the most relaxed to the most eccentric, the most discreet to the most seeing, from the skirt to the slim, the dress to the pair of shorts, it is highly varied according to the weather. But what I often notice, a person can not feel at ease in what she wears. There is a big difference between, adore clothes that we spot and adore wearing it. You still don't know what I mean ? Explanations.

Someone told me this a long time ago. They had told me to adore what the models wore in a fashion show, but she would be incapable to wear this kind of clothes. It is exactly what I say to myself when I see an outfit of a fashion show.
What you have to say to yourself when you want to buy clothes, or what you have to forget, it's the opinion of others. Think of you. Of your opinion. If you can imagine you wear this outfit, buy it. If something disturbs you because of the shape or the color, forget it. No negative thoughts.

If you want a little of help, some ideas for your clothes this Autumn-Winter 2013, colors Bordeaux, grey, black and white, the pink and the blue will be extremely present.

I wish you to all of you an excellent school year, and success in your studies. (and a dressing room full of clothes for this year!)

(Where you can find my dress :

To serve you


Coucou tout le monde ! Comment allez-vous ? J'espère que vos rentrées se sont bien passées, que vous avez retrouvé vos amis ou alors vous avez découvert d'autres personnes. Pour ma part, je viens de rentrer dans un nouveau bahut, plutôt cool. Je pense m'y plaire à l'avenir.
Pour en venir au fait, c'est vrai que le jour de la rentrée, on le remarque assez souvent, c'est le jour où on est le mieux habillé dans l'année pour la plupart. C'est le commencement de quelque chose de nouveau, c'est assez significatif. Ce que j'aime à faire en ce jour, (bon...j'admets le faire aussi tout le temps, oui !)  c'est regarder ce que les autres personnes portent. Il y en a pour tous les styles, du plus décontracté au plus excentrique, du plus discret au plus voyant, de la jupe au slim, de la robe au short, c'est très varié selon le temps. Mais ce que je remarque assez souvent, c'est qu'une personne peut ne pas être à l'aise dans ce qu'elle porte. Il y a une grande différence entre, aimer un vêtement qu'on repère et aimer le porter. Vous ne voyez toujours pas où je veux en venir ? Explications.

On m'avait fait la remarque il y a longtemps. Quelqu'un m'avait dit adorer ce que les mannequins portaient à un défilé de mode, mais qu'elle serait incapable de porter ce genre de vêtements. C'est moi-même ce que je me dis quand je vois une tenue d'un défilé de mode.
Ce qu'il faut toujours se dire quand vous vous voulez acheter un vêtement, ou la chose à ne pas penser, c'est l'avis des autres. Pensez à vous. A votre jugement. Si vous pouvez vous imaginer porter cette tenue, achetez là. Si quelque chose vous dérange au niveau de la coupe ou la couleur, laissez tomber. Il ne doit pas y avoir une pensée négative.

Si vous voulez un peu d'aide, quelques idées pour vos tenues cet automne-hiver 2013, les couleurs bordeaux, gris, noir et blanc, le rose et le bleu seront extrêmement présentes.

Je vous souhaite à toutes une excellente année scolaire, et de la réussite dans vos études. (et une armoire remplie de vêtements pour l'année !)

(Où trouver ma robe :

Pour vous servir


mercredi 26 juin 2013

High heels, high heels, dear high heels...

Very high or small, in needles or compensated, expensive or to a moderate price, of a color or an other one, we agree : heels, we know them all. Some wear them all the time, others less, some never but there are for all the tastes. I am going to make for you a confession : I can't get enough of this major accessory to the fashionistas. Having developed an unconditioned love for this category of shoes (I also wear flat shoes, I reassure you!), I did not realize to what extent, I remember that one day, I fell for a (nth) pair of high heels, and that my sister made me this remark: " wow ! How you like high heels! " And I was surprise by this remark, in spite of the fact that it amused me. Really ? As much as that ? Yes yes, high heels lengthen me the silhouette, yes (and horribly hurt me when I remove them when they are high, it is a FACT !) so I love them.
But what I want to specify really : no matter our size, or weight, or the style we have, heels are there to bring a "something more" to an outfit, so dare ladies! And with your head up.

To serve you

Prissi †

mardi 25 juin 2013

Hello there !

My first ASOS outfit for summer

Hey everybody! I'm Priscillia, I'm just 18. I live in Paris. I love fashion, sweets, and life. So, I begin this blog enthusiastically and with a little stress... I hope that you will love it and that you will appreciate to visit it.

To start with, I will speak about this amazing thing that I found (again) : the website ASOS. I was already a fan previously, for its affordable and stylish clothes, but I discovered another facet of the site. Curious girl that I am, I accessed the section " OUTFITS and LOOKS " and found what I am looking for. It is one of these many places where all the fashionistas meet up to share their love for fashion. I decided to join this community and show my own style. To take a look at my account and follow me : Go to ; "Outfits & Looks" ; "Members" and search for " Prissi †". I begin slowly, don't hesitate to leave comments!  

To serve you

Prissi † .